The real estate attorney is subject to strict deontolarity imposed by the National Rules of Procedure.
That is why the support of a real estate attorney is a guarantee of quality, seriousness and above all trust.
Professional secracy:
Article 2 of the National Rules of attorney stipulates that professional secrecy is a matter of public order.
Therefore, the lawyer can’t use information entrusted to him for commercial purposes. This is why services of a lawyer in the context of a transaction are an undeniable asset: people can not loosen the lawyer’s secret.
In the business world, where the principle of secrecy is indisputable, the Lawyer gives to the client importent guarantees.
The conflict of interest:
Article 4 of national rules of lawyer that the lawyer can’t be the counsel or the representative or the defender of more than one client in the same case if there is a conflict between the interests of his clients or if there is a serious risk of such a conflict.
This is why Me RIBEIRO DE CARVALHO never accepts a double mandate of buying and selling in order to guarantee any risk of a conflict of interest.
During a real estate transaction, the attorney represents his client. He advises him in order to obtain better financial conditions.